What To Do When Your Algae Arrives.
What to do When Your Algae Arrives.
So what do you do when your algae arrives? Shipping algae can add stress to the cells. This is important to know because if you receive your algae in a stressed state then adding other stresses to it may cause a crash. So what do you do to help ensure your recent purchase starts to grow?
Here is a checklist of what you need to do when you first receive a new algae strain.
- Take a microscopic picture of your algae. Then compare your picture to the picture from the culture collection and make sure you received the right algae.
- Poor a small aliquot in a sterile test tube in dim light. This is for just in case something happens and you will have a backup.
- Take 30 % of your algae into your growing system and add 10% of your media to.
- Place the rest of the algae at 2500 Lux to make sure the media you are adding the algae like.
- Four days after step 3 add media to all of your algae.