Algae Eaters are Unwanted Pests.
We Want to Remove Algae Eaters.
There are many types of protists that are algae eaters. Nature has its checks and balances for everything and algae is no exception but for people the grow algae for a living these critters can take out a crop in just a few weeks.
There are certain steps that need to be taken to avoid an outbreak. Contaminated water is how they get into a crop. Proper filtration is mandatory followed by either a UV light or some other chemical purification. Simply boiling the water will not do the trick.
There are many methods to get rid of these creatures. This mostly depends on the type of algae you are growing. If you are having an issue with algae eaters please email me. There are several methods we can go over to see which one works for you.
The picture featured image is the genus Oxytricia and was found in Austin Texas.